LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Thursday, September 22, 2011

What is going to keep you motivated?

In Man’s Search For Meaning, author Viktor Frankl survived years in German concentration camps due to what he felt was a good reason to survive: he was determined to finish his life’s work in psychology. Risking punishment or worse, he secreted away paper and notes, planning and preparing for the day when he could continue. Eventually, he was liberated and went on to pen one of the century’s most influential books on leading a meaningful life.

Meanwhile, Viktor saw that fellow inmates who did not have a “calling” (whether it was a family, a career, or a cause) seemed to have nothing to live for and usually died. The right motivation was literally the difference between life and death. 

That’s the power of motivation. Given the right reasons, people have changed lives, changed history and changed the world.

“Sure, that’s great,” you say. “But all I’m trying to do is lose weight.” That’s the old, misguided way of looking at it. You might not want to change the world, but you do want to change your world. Anyone can lose weight. To keep it off – to make that permanent lifestyle change – it takes something more. It takes the right motivation.

The right motivation is a potential diet deal-breaker. Recently, 32% of dieters polled said that a “Lack of Motivation” was their #1 weight loss hurdle. Motivation is what separates Dieters from Lifestyle Changers. That’s why it plays such a key role in everything you’ll do. 

What To Do With Your Motivation?
Motivation happens in two stages. First, you find out what motivates you the most about weight loss. This is different for each person and even different situations. Second, you turn that motivation into a tool by surrounding yourself with it, immersing yourself in it.

Motivation can be useful and inspiring at the same time. Not only is it important to do things for the right reasons, but it’s just as vital to find creative, timely ways to remind yourself of those inspirational reasons. 

What Is Your Right Motivation?
The right motivation is whatever it is at any point in time that keeps you going for another day. Today it might be the mirror. Tomorrow it might be the look in your child’s face. Next week, it might be a picture of the vacation you want to look good for. Surround yourself with as many of these motivating options as possible, since inspiration could come from different sources each time. 


The right motivation will get you out of bed in the morning with pep in your step and an eagerness to meet the day.

The right motivation is a vision, a picture of what life will be like after you’ve lost weight.

The right motivation won’t let you quit. Oh sure, you may have setbacks and you may get discouraged, but it will never stop you from taking two steps forward.

What Types Of Motivations Work?
Some types of motivation are more effective than others. Most people spend too much time worrying about extrinsic motivators, where the standards are set by someone else (the scale, the mirror, negative comments from a spouse, fashion magazines, etc.). Instead of thinking about what’s important to themselves, they think more about what’s important to other people.

You’ll be more successful if you pay more attention to what’s important to you as a benchmark. Want to have more time with the family? To have more energy? To feel better about yourself? Those are the motivators that will keep your new lifestyle in play for the long run. 

What motivates you? What do you want your loved ones to say when they see what great shape you’re in? What kind of exercise is enjoyable and keeps you coming back? Discovering your motivating factors is a huge part of transitioning from "diet" to "lifestyle change." When you find out what keeps the fire burning inside, becoming and staying healthy will be something you can stick with.

Find a quote that you can use as a personal motto

When you need a jolt of inspiration, a personal quote or motto is the perfect remedy. A motto only takes three seconds to read but can have lasting effects on your mood and performance. Quotes like these are powerful tools:
"From a tiny spark may burst a mighty flame."
"Remember to live."
"Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."
"Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat."
           "Nothing Tastes As Good As Thin Feels"  is one of my favorites!!!!
Finding lots of strong quotes is easy. You can look for a particular theme or choose from numerous quotes from a favorite writer, historical figure or celebrity, depending on what inspires you.  Find a quote that’s inspirational to you! Once you find a personal motto, use it. Hang it on your mirror. Put it in your car. Keep a copy in your wallet or purse. Tape a copy to your computer monitor. 

Watch an inspiring movie

Who said dieting is all work and no play? The best part of drawing inspiration from a movie is that there’s an inspiring movie out there for everyone. Some of us draw inspiration from cheering for the underdogs, especially in sports films. Others find inspiration in stories of tremendous courage or overcoming setbacks, through films of personal tragedy and triumph. A movie conjures emotions in us unlike any other form of entertainment. We can often understand what the characters are going through and think about how we can aspire to be more like them. All of these things can help you  draw inspiration to keep making changes in your life. Here are a few suggestions, but feel free to pick your own:

 The Blind Side

Stand and Deliver
Shawshank Redemption
Mr. Holland’s Opus
Apollo 13
Simon Birch
Patch Adams
October Sky
It’s a Wonderful Life

 I remind myself each and every day why I am doing this, and it does not take much to do that!  I just have to look back to where I was before I began my journey!

That for me is motivation to keep me in the gym and keep plugging along with my goal in sight now, I know that this WILL happen for me.  It is no longer just a mere DREAM!

One week til BOOBS!  The countdown continues!


MandaPanda said...

I agree that motivation can change from day to day. What motivates me today may not be what motivates me later. Training for a 5k motivated me but training for a 10k didn't. Why? Just a different day and different mindset.

Darlin1 said...

Great food for thought!

Can't wait to meet you... ;-)