LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Thursday, December 6, 2012

I'm Baaaaaccccckkkkkkk!!!!!

Forgive me, for I have sinned.  It has been two months since I last blogged!  I was recently reminded by my beautiful daughter Nichole, that I started my blog for me and no one else.  That I should not let the actions of others keep me from journaling here.

So I have returned!  I will say that I have missed reading and keeping up with each of you.  Some are friends with me on Facebook so I get to see what is happening with you, but for those that I am not, it was nice to read your life happenings here.

You know they say "Heaven is just a SIN away"!  I believe that LOL.  I have been so busy since we last saw each other.  I got back from Chicago, and school descended upon me hard.  I had a ton of homework to wade through and then it was finals and I got "A's" in both of my classes I was excited about that.   I had a birthday since we last spoke.  Yes I am now 51 years young!!  I truly feel blessed to be able to say that.  I feel better this year than I have in forever.

 Then it was time to prepare for Thanksgiving.  We had a great Thanksgiving feast, Nichole and I cooked and the boys were with their dad.  It was a quiet few days but it was still wonderful to be with my family. 

Adam and Cole are doing great in school.  Cole is starting to talk more and more.  We are so proud of him.  He also peed on the potty this week for the very first time. It was a huge deal.  He is 6 and trust me it is so time for him to be potty trained.  Being non verbal for so long was hard to figure out if he knew what he was suppose to do.  I believe he knows and just was holding out, as it was something he could control.
Gramms with Adam and Cole Halloween!

As far as my weight, I am standing still.  I have not moved in two months.  So I obviously need to step up the workouts and really pay closer attention to my calories.  I am thrilled I have not gained though.  That is the best news for me.  I just want to get the last 50 pounds gone damnit!

It is good to be back and I look forward to posting more!

FYI:  Nichole has lost 70+ pounds I am so proud of her!

Nichole with boys on Halloween