Last night was my coding final. This was over ICD-9 and ICD-10. This class was very stressful for me, simply because it is a huge part of my major and I must do well. I have had no issues with the homework. So I was pretty confident heading into my final, but still stressed. LOL
I got a 100% and nearly passed out. I also got a 100% on my final in Computers in Healthcare as well. I got A's in both classes. I am very happy to be done with the quarter and letting my brain get a rest.

I am off tomorrow and my mom has two Dr. appointments so most of my day will be spent with her.
I am so freaking excited that I will have another night open to do ZUMBA now over the summer! Tonight is Dawn's class and I cannot wait.
I had a nice NSV this morning, I put one of my all time favorite tops on, that I have not been able to even get over my head in three years, this morning and it fits!!! It is a size large. I was so happy and everyone commented at work how cute this shirt is.
I plan on going through my closet tomorrow morning and weeding out clothes. So if anyone is interested in winter tops and pants let me know. I will have some summer stuff as well. If not, I am going to set them aside for the BOOBS exchange in the fall. Sizes will be 18 and XXL large tops with some XL thrown in the mix.

I am going to share a recipe:
To cleanse your system, Kim Lyons' special 5 ingredient Fat Flush Water is simple to make and tastes great. Besides its main ingredient of water, the Fat Flush contains grapefruit that's loaded with vitamin C to help your body turn fat into fuel. The tangerine increases your sensitivity to insulin, stabilizes blood sugar, and stimulates genes to burn fat. Cucumber helps you feel full and acts as a natural diuretic, which means less bloating and water retention. And lastly, it has peppermint, which is not only refreshing but also promotes better digestion and stomach calm. Make a big pitcher of Fat Flush Water every morning. The longer it sits, the better it will taste. Drink at least one 8 ounce glass three times a day before each meal for 10 days straight.
Fat Flush Water
Ingredients, per 8-ounce serving
1 slice grapefruit
1 tangerine
½ cucumber, sliced
2 peppermint leaves
Combine ingredients in a large pitcher.
This will super charge your fat burning efforts. Trust me! I am liking some of her ideas very much. If you are not familiar with her she is a nutritional coach. She shared her knowledge on the biggest loser TV Show. I do not watch that show either. I am not a fan of reality TV!
I am so ready to workout tonight. Bring IT!
1 comment:
Sounds like you've got some great events coming up and great job on your finals! You're a super star!
Size Large...VERY NICE!
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