Is it a coincidence that I have lost 75 pounds and now have 75 followers? Well even if it is not I find it really cool! I also am happy because I have a confirmed roomie for BOOBS!!!! That is exciting. It is Jen over at whatyoulookinatskinny!!!! I am really excited. If you have not found her lovely blog please head on over and say hey! She has a beautiful baby boy! Now if Jessica can just get here our room will be set! She is suppose to know really soon. I hope so, I know she will have a great time.
I cannot believe it is almost the beginning of summer. I am so ready for it. I want the sun, and fun with the boys. I want to work at running, and being even more active out doors. Taking long hikes and Max for trips out on the Rock Island trail. It sadly has been raining nonstop for the past three days and I am so tired of it. I know we needed the rain as we did not get it in April. However, we DO NOT need it all at once. LOL
Adam and Cole are out of school on the 30th. This happens to be my Adam's birthday! We are going to be in Chicago for the memorial day weekend with Neal, Nichole's best friend. He just bought a Condo in downtown Chicago! Looking forward to seeing it and him. We are going to go to Shed's and do the Natural History Museum with Adam. It should be fun. We hope to also see Alan's brother Paul and wife Suzanne as well while we are there and hopefully my nephew Sam who will be home from Vassar for the summer.
Zumba tonight with Dawn, I am actually beginning to really like her class. It is so different from Jose`. She has much more dance steps in it, she actually teaches dance and has for some time. I just am clumsy and I use to dance in high school. So it makes me really frustrated. Is it just me, or when we get older is it harder to use our arms in coordination with our feet? LOL
I was happy this morning when I got on my scale because the 2.3 pound loss stuck. It will be interesting when I see the Surgeon tomorrow and how he addresses all that has happened to me since February 7th. I will let you know!
1 comment:
All this Chicago talk is getting me excited!!
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