Tomorrow I return to work and it has been a great five days off. I feel like Bah Humbug having to leave my family. I have had the best time with Mom and the boys. Mom is still with us and will be, through the weekend. She is feeling so much better, and has had no more wheezing. I am so thankful and glad that my prayers were answered.
I am also thrilled to report that not only did I not gain weight this holiday season but I lost three pounds. I am so happy about it, I cannot tell you.

I cooked all weekend, and made some amazing food for my family and friends. It was a great feeling to be around the sweets and the rich food and not indulge. Did I have a few cookies, yes I sure did, did I stick to band rules, yes I did for the most part. I did not drink enough water, but other than that I was very careful with my choices.
I have proven once again that temptations can be over come. You have to motivate yourself to stay the course, is it easy, sure the hell not. It is one of the hardest things you will ever do, but it is not impossible.
I am so ready for the new year and seeing onederland this year! I am so excited.
I'm glad you had a good Christmas and that your mom was well enough to be home. Congrats on the weight loss - that is awesome!!
Great job on your weight loss, that's amazing. Myself I have been to scared to step on the scale to see if I did any damage LOL Detoxing myself this week and will face the scale this Saturday.
Wahoo on the loss! You're doing fabulously! I ended up having to take Friday off just because I'm so bah humbug about being here. LOL. I can't wait until the New Year and things get back to normal. Then I won't mind going in so much.
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